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Water Proofing

ABSAR ALOMRAN is a specialist trade contractor in all kind of Waterproofing & thermal insulation works. The purpose of establishing (Water proofing & Insulation) is to provide total solutions to the ever-growing construction sector in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ABSAR ALOMRAN is well supported by a team of experienced management engineers, supervisors and skilled technicians for the daily accomplishment at every project. 

ABSAR ALOMRAN ensures high quality of workmanship at every job and offers a wide & diversified range of high-quality services in different type of waterproofing & thermal insulation work such as: Waterproofing system which includes Modified Bituminous membrane, PVC membrane & EPDM membrane. Thermal Insulation by polystyrene, Rigid polyurethane & sprayed polyurethane. Cementations waterproofing. Liquid applied waterproofing system. All kind of concrete repair works. All kind of painting works. Wide range of industrial flooring with Epoxy & different kinds of surface hardeners. Roof screed and Foam concrete.

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منزل على التلة

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مطل على الجبال

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Paradise Residence

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